Former WCW wrestling champion Diamond Dallas Page breathes new life into fitness with DDP Yoga

DDP Yoga program

If you’re going to describe Diamond Dallas Page’s signature workout program, whatever you do, don’t just call it yoga. Despite its moniker, DDP Yoga, the former pro wrestler wants to make clear that “It Ain’t Your Mama’s Yoga.” “When people hear yoga, they think humming and chanting,” Page said in an interview. “This is made for people who wouldn’t be caught dead doing yoga.” Before a crippling … [Read more...]

Are folks living with lupus and RA at greater risk for heart disease?

Respiratory System and AF

In autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the immune system misfires by erroneously attacking healthy cells as if they were foreign agents, or antigens. Normally the immune system defends the body against antigens—like viruses, bacteria and toxins—that can cause damage to the body after invading it. In autoimmune diseases, benign and healthy parts of the body also become … [Read more...]

Relishing a Mother-Daughter Girls Night Out at Foxwoods

Mother-Daughter Girls' Night Out

The highlight of my weekend was to have my mother accompany me to see Menopause, The Musical at the Fox Theater on Saturday afternoon at Foxwoods Resort Casino. It was a great time to connect with my mom and better understand her experience with menopause. Having many of the most common symptoms of menopause, she could relate extremely well to the dialogue and songs. “They had creative lyrics … [Read more...]

Sisterhood Helps Women Get Through The Hormones, Hot Flashes, Stress and Insomnia of Menopause

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Recently, I posed the following question to my friends and family: So what’s menopause really like? What I found was that the breadth of experiences during “The Change” is as diverse as my friends’ personalities. “Sailing through it,” one friend said. “It's effing hot,” another added. Ah, yes, hot flashes! That and weight gain seem to be the most common menopausal complaints of women in my … [Read more...]

The ins and outs of breast lumps and biopsies

benign breast tumor

While covering a touchy subject and including a graphic surgical graphic,  I feel this is important to share, and I wish I had had something like this to read before my procedure. Hopefully it provides helpful information and even a little reassurance in the event you need a biopsy for a breast lump in the future. A year ago, my OB-GYN or ‘lady doctor’ as I like to call him, declared that … [Read more...]

Find Fitness, Culture and Community at Run or Dye 5K & The Color Festivals

The colorful Run or Dye 5K is hitting locations all over the country this summer. The playful fitness event, featuring dashes of colored dye, is open to all—athletes and loungers, old and young. Children aged 6 and under can even participate for free. The 5 km race is non-competitive and not timed. Participants are welcome to run, walk, or even skip and dance the route at their own paces. There … [Read more...]

Why Women Need to Take Charge of Their Eye Health

Dealing With the Common Dry Eye Syndrome

We use our eyes almost every waking moment of our lives. They are literally our windows to the world around us. So why do so many of us neglect proper eye care? Taking our vision for granted, many things we do—or don’t do—can have long-lasting effects on our eye health.  Why Women Need to Worry About Eye Health A 2012 study, Vision Problems in the US, found that 66 percent of subjects who were … [Read more...]

Help draw more attention and awareness to the movement disorder dystonia

Dystonia Awareness

Imagine what it would be like to be the middle of talking and discover you can’t shut your mouth for 10 minutes as your jaw muscles fight every effort to close it.  Picture yourself standing in the shower when all the muscles in your lower body either suddenly weaken—or your limbs start jerking around like a puppet on a string—causing enough imbalance for you to collapse on your face in the wet … [Read more...]

Celebrating nutrition on National Vegetable Day

There are people out there—and perhaps you’re one of them—who claim to genuinely hate vegetables. This genuinely makes me sad. Not only are vegetables packed with nutrients that our body needs to function optimally, they can also be extremely delicious. That’s why I love days like today—National Vegetable Day; I get to share why I love these colorful foods so much. Have you had a medley of … [Read more...]

Use these all-natural preventives and remedies to lower your risk for contracting Lyme disease

Tick sizes/Src: CT Department of Public Health

Living in northeastern United States, summertime means warmer weather, less clothing and more time spent outdoors. Unfortunately, all the time spent walking, hiking and biking in the woodsy areas coincides with an increased presence of ticks. As a result, the months of June and July see the largest numbers of confirmed cases of Lyme disease by far, according to the Centers for Disease Control and … [Read more...]