Sleeping, Partying and Driving Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Screening Location on Waze

It’s hard to escape the pink during October’s breast cancer awareness month, and that seems to be true for me here at The Mind-Body Shift as well. I’m proud to join Estroven and don their pink robe for the Sleep Pink movement, helping to raise awareness and funds for the Avon Foundation for Women. This is the third year that Estroven—a dietary supplement for menopause relief distributed by … [Read more...]

Impromptu Poetry: Threading the Needle

Thread the Needle Pose

"Threading The Needle" by Renée Canada I thread the needle Through tight angles And strained filaments. I look out and through the space That grows and slows with breath And settles from stillness to peace. The battle to control the resistance Overcome by love and acceptance Of my limitations and imperfections. … [Read more...]

When the Threat of Ebola Hits Home: What You Really Need to Know

Contact Tracing

My home state of Connecticut seemingly had a close brush with the Ebola virus when Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven confirmed today that it was treating a quarantined Yale University grad student who was displaying Ebola-like symptoms. The man, recently back from Liberia, had been admitted to the hospital yesterday after developing a fever. It was just reported, however, that the patient’s … [Read more...]

Nick Cannon Talks on Thriving With Lupus and Preventing Flu with Theraflu

Nick Cannon and Theraflu Fluprint Program

As temperatures drop here in the northeast United States and more of us develop the sniffles, the cold and flu season is definitely on the mind of a lot of folks. Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of speaking with entertainer and fellow “lupie” Nick Cannon about the flu and his partnership with the makers of TheraFlu® and the national nonprofit organization, Families Fighting Flu. Cannon is now … [Read more...]

5 Steps to Get Unstuck


Maybe you’re like me, and you’ve got a million things on your plate. Your heart and your time are constantly being pulled in a dozen different directions. Sometimes it can feel like there’s no possible way to get it all done, so the incessant voices of fear and self-doubt insinuate themselves in your noggin, attempting to convince you that you cannot get any of it done. Analysis paralysis sets in, … [Read more...]

Can You Cycle Your Way Through the Workday?


With all the news about the dangers of sitting behind the desk for extended periods of time, I’ve been thinking a lot about the different ways to keep my body moving even while I’m working. Not everyone works from home and can take a yoga break to get the blood flowing like I can. Nor do all of us work for a company that makes treadmill desks freely available to us. And unfortunately, most of us … [Read more...]

Tommy Rosen Talks Recovery From Addictions Through Yoga

Yoga for Recovery with Tommy Rosen

Since experiencing his own dramatic transformation from addict to survivor largely with the help of yoga and meditation, Tommy Rosen has spent the last two decades as an addiction recovery expert and yoga teacher, certified in both Hatha and Kundalini Yoga. With 23 years of sobriety under his belt, Rosen has become a trailblazer and leader in the world of Yoga and Recovery. He founded Recovery 2.0 … [Read more...]

Why You Need to Take Walking Breaks Throughout Your Work Day

Walking Infographic

With increasingly sedentary lifestyles, Americans have seen a rise in obesity and diabetes, as well as increased risks of cardiovascular disease, cancer and early deaths. Australian researchers found in 2012 that extended sitting constricts blood vessels and blood flow in the legs and negatively affects metabolism, regardless of one’s weight or overall time spent exercising. This month, however, … [Read more...]

Why More Athletes Need to Add Yoga to Their Workout Routines


An increasing number of athletes are recognizing that yoga can not only improve their game, but also help them more quickly recover from injuries and prevent future ones. A comprehensive yoga practice helps to build core stabilization, strength, flexibility and balance required in a variety of sports. By adding yoga to their workout regimen, athletes can loosen up tight areas of the body that … [Read more...]

Rediscovering and Rooting Myself In Nature

garden flowers

It appears that autumn is finally starting to creep into Connecticut. It’s back to pajama pants, socks and the comforter on the cooler nights, and I bundle in my lightweight hoodie and bedroom slippers to comfortably get through the chilly mornings. Days give way to sunny, yet mild temperatures. And as someone with heat and sun sensitivity, I embrace these days because it means that I can enjoy … [Read more...]