How To Fend Off The Flu By Diffusing Essential Oils

Essential Oil Diffuser

After one of the most brutal winters in northeast United States, we’re finally seeing the light of spring at the end of the tunnel. With a February that was the coldest month on record in Connecticut, we pushed through roughly six weeks of snowstorms and bitter freezing temperatures. Not surprisingly, people I knew in the area were felled by flu and colds left and right—including myself. Loath to … [Read more...]

How Gut Bacteria Affect Behavior, Mood, and Disease

Src: Flickr/AK Rockefeller, "Swimmer"

Modern research is constantly revealing more about the amazing world of the human microbiome and its implications on health. The microbiome is the community of “good” and “bad” tiny microorganisms that live in our skin and mucus membranes—including the gut and mouth. While many of these microbes are innocuous, some may be harmful to our health, and others we depend on to protect us from … [Read more...]