How to Manage High Blood Pressure and Reduce the Risk of Hypertension

AHA Blood Pressure Categories

Through generations of Southern cooking and tobacco use, my extended family has a strong history of high blood pressure (or hypertension), stroke and heart attack. When I was a young child, I remember both the familiar and pungent scent of pipe smoke from my maternal grandfather and the heartbreaking toll that multiple strokes had on his body. Sadly, I was just a first grader when he passed away … [Read more...]

Improve the Health of Your Heart with Yoga


A new study suggests more evidence that yoga is good for your heart. Researchers from the University of Kansas Medical Center, aware of the significant benefit of yoga on cardiovascular health, studied the affect of the practice on atrial fibrillation (AF). They found that yoga reduced symptomatic AF episodes. According to the study report, AF is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. An arrythmia … [Read more...]