How Healers Can Help Identify and Unpack Oppression to Engender Release, Recovery and Revolution

Be the Light

I know I’m not alone in trying to process the terror and violence that recently erupted in Charlottesville, VA. The brutal altercation between rallying white supremacists and counter-protestors has slammed more tidal waves of horror, disbelief and sorrow about race relations against the rocky foundation of our country. It has compelled a period of deep reflection on what the United States of … [Read more...]

Revamping My Perspective on the Path Not Taken

Revamping My Perspective on the Path Not Taken

Through much of my adult years (and much of life, in truth), I've spent far more time than I'd like looking back on the past and wondering 'what if'? That really didn't change until the last few years when I finally learned how to breathe and stay in the moment with meditation–and when my romantic relationship solidified, gaining permanence. In retrospect, it truly is sad how much of the present I … [Read more...]

NYC Conference to Make Yoga More Accessible for People With Chronic Illness

NYC Conference to Make Yoga More Accessible for People With Chronic Illness

I am super jazzed to announce that I will be attending the Accessible Yoga Conference in NYC at the Integral Yoga Institute NYC on May 19-21 of this year! The aim of the Accessible Yoga Conference is to provide education, supportive resources and community for those who seek to increase the accessibility of yoga  to meet the needs of people with disabilities and chronic illnesses, seniors, and … [Read more...]

The Unexpected Gift of Community While Living With Chronic Illness

The unexpected gift of community while living with chronic illness

It would be an unequivocal understatement to say that the month of January has been a momentous one for me in my health journey. It was during the second week of January some 17 years ago, when I got into the bike-car accident that resulted in muscle tears, bone bruises and a vicious cycle of chronic pain, insomnia and stress that eventually triggered the full-blown manifestation of autoimmune, … [Read more...]

Regaining My Confidence To Share My Own Voice

Regaining My Confidence To Share My Own Voice

Those who’ve known me the longest and those who know me the best sometimes express surprise or amusement when I am described as shy or introverted. I don’t blame them for being befuddled really. When I was a little girl, everyone was a potential friend, and I wasn’t afraid to go up to strangers and talk a mile-a-minute in their ear, occasionally with a foreign accent. My mom, I think, is still … [Read more...]

How to Combat Chronic Pain Without Dependency On Drugs

Image courtesy of tiverylucky at

During this past week’s Recovery 2.0 online conference, founder and addiction specialist Tommy Rosen interviewed Peter Przekop, D.O., Ph.D. about the growing chronic pain epidemic in the face of a medical establishment ill-equipped to manage long-term pain without the use of potent pharmaceuticals, like opioids. The doctor of osteopathy developed and directed the pain management program at the … [Read more...]

This Hunchbacked Honey of Fairfield County Hasn’t Got Time for the Pain

How It Really Feels

First, the good news: I was able to successfully get out of bed this morning! You may be wondering why I would bother to make a big deal out of this. Don’t the vast majority of humans roll out of bed every morning without a second thought? Well, on top of the pain and stiffness that often comes with dystonia, lupus and fibromyalgia upon waking, I should probably also tell you that after a marathon … [Read more...]

How to Better Embody Our Bodies By Honing Our Super Senses

Src: National Geographic Channel

When it comes to our personal experience of the world around us, perception is everything. How we perceive our environment is largely influenced by the information our brains receive from our senses, which help us to determined how to behave and what to feel in a given situation. Every day, we rely on the five most recognizable senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. However, our brains … [Read more...]

Facing Fear Head On: Dropping Down Into Backbend

Child Gymnast

My life revolved around gymnastics for much of my childhood, as I proudly grew from a tiny tumblebee of age 4 to a competitive gymnast in adolescence. As the type of athlete who thrived on strength and speed, one of my absolute favorite things was to go whipping through the air backwards. At the request of my friends, I would not-so humbly tumble through a succession of back handsprings and … [Read more...]

Recent Studies Reveal How Yoga Helps Us Heal From Chronic Pain

Src: Medical News Daily

Living with chronic pain for virtually my entire adult life, I have tried almost everything I can think of to help manage it. My initial attempts to stoically tough it out and just push ahead resulted in months of near sleepless nights, constant pain, exhaustion and misery. Eventually, I began to tackle pain from both the Western medicine approach of pharmaceuticals, shots and surgery to the … [Read more...]