Angelina Jolie's pre-emptive mastectomy puts cancer prevention in spotlight


Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a preventive double mastectomy continues to be the topic for public debate three weeks after she announced in a New York Times editorial that she had the surgery. Jolie is hardly the first woman to make this very difficult choice, and it’s one that women who already have breast cancer face as well. A recent study presented at the American Society … [Read more...]

New study questions Gingko biloba’s safety, Chinese herbalist touts its benefits

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On Thursday, The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) advised consumers to avoid Ginkgo biloba, based on a new government study that showed evidence of the extract causing liver cancer in mice and thyroid cancer in rats. On its Chemical Cuisine guide to food additives, CSPI downgraded ginkgo from “safe” to “avoid.” While extracts from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree are legally … [Read more...]

Salt and processed foods linked with autoimmune disease and early mortality


Last week, researchers from three different studies reported in the journal Nature identified an association between dietary salt and the development of autoimmune disease. This precedes a study published yesterday that links the consumption of processed foods with an increased risk of early death due to cardiovascular disease and cancer. According to the Voice of America, researchers were … [Read more...]

Dense breasts a factor for more young women with advanced breast cancers


A recent study published this Tuesday, Jan. 26, in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that number of women ages 25 to 39 developing metastatic breast cancer, the most advanced stage of cancer when it spreads to vital organs and threatens life, has tripled between 1976 and 2009. While the number of cases were still relatively small, these women had cancer that spread before they … [Read more...]