Does Removing Silver Fillings Rid Body of Major Health Risks of Mercury

Mercury Fillings

Most of us at or above a certain age can count at least one “silver” filling in our mouth from getting cavities when were kids. And really, when one grows up with the option of sugar-laden cereals for breakfast, like Froot Loops, Cap’n Crunch and Apple Jacks, it’s more surprising not to have a mouth full of cavities. But today we’re not talking about the blight of sugar, unhealthy bacteria and … [Read more...]

How Gut Bacteria Affect Behavior, Mood, and Disease

Src: Flickr/AK Rockefeller, "Swimmer"

Modern research is constantly revealing more about the amazing world of the human microbiome and its implications on health. The microbiome is the community of “good” and “bad” tiny microorganisms that live in our skin and mucus membranes—including the gut and mouth. While many of these microbes are innocuous, some may be harmful to our health, and others we depend on to protect us from … [Read more...]

Are folks living with lupus and RA at greater risk for heart disease?

Respiratory System and AF

In autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the immune system misfires by erroneously attacking healthy cells as if they were foreign agents, or antigens. Normally the immune system defends the body against antigens—like viruses, bacteria and toxins—that can cause damage to the body after invading it. In autoimmune diseases, benign and healthy parts of the body also become … [Read more...]

Three Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Heart Health

Major Lifestyle Modifications to a Healthier Heart

Today is the last day of Heart Health Month, but there is no less need for greater awareness. Heart disease is the number one cause of death for men and women in the country. Yet according to a recent Heart Health Survey by Cleveland Clinic, 74 percent of Americans do not believe that they will die of heart disease. The survey also found that 32 percent are not doing anything to prevent heart … [Read more...]

Have Some Heart; Celebrate National Wear Red Day for Women's Heart Health

Wear Red for #NationalWearRedDay for Heart Health Awareness for Women

February is not only a month to celebrate romance, love and candy hearts. It is also a time to draw attention to heart health. On the first Friday of February, join people all over the country in celebrating National Wear Red Day to raise awareness of women's fight against heart disease. This will be the 11th year of the Go Red for Women movement. Dubbed "the silent killer," heart disease often … [Read more...]

Lessons of Love, Loss and Finding Your Way Back To Self


I believe that every significant life experience has something to teach us—about life, ourselves, our relationships with others. For what is life if not for building meaningful connections with others, for learning about the world in which we live and for truly discovering our own true nature, the boundless potential we possess and the sacred path we are meant to follow? I have learned so much … [Read more...]