How to Seek Balance in the Busy-ness of Daily Life


In this world of doing, achieving and getting, it’s very easy for us to put far greater focus on our time spent at work than our lives outside of the office. Our quest for progress and perfection often leads us to squelch pleasure for the sake of productivity. While ambition and industriousness is admirable, often leading to great achievements and success, there is also merit in taking time to … [Read more...]

Plans Canned Due to the Greedy, Movement Monster Dystonia

Beating the movement disorder Dystonia

It turns out that today’s post is going to be a more personal one. Yesterday, the uncontrollable muscle movements returned after a pretty significant absence. Yes, it certainly is a pain in the neck (and face and legs). Yet I haven’t been as disheartened as frustrated.  So many plans have been canned due to the greedy movement monster: Dystonia. Last night I couldn’t go to the book club I was … [Read more...]

The Perils of Being a Workaholic


According to, celebration is in order today for Workaholics Day. Few would criticize the numerous achievements and accomplishments one can achieve with the industrious spirit that is so highly prized in a multitasking culture such as ours, where we’re eager to pencil in to-do’s for every hour of our waking day. However, being a recovering workaholic myself, I can honestly say that … [Read more...]

Looking Ahead For the Bright Side of Health


by Renée Canada Tonight, while brushing my teeth, I slammed down on my derriere for the umpteenth time in the last year. My head fell back until I was laying flat on my back, eyes closing as I temporarily lost consciousness. When I came to, I crawled back to my room. Each movement hurt, as I swayed unsteadily, my knees, back and ribs aching from previous falls and my consciousness once again … [Read more...]