Kicking Off My Forty Day Countdown to 40

Photo by Nate Falkenberry

Today kicks off my 40-day countdown celebration to turning 40 years old. Yes, you read that correctly; I am indeed celebrating this momentous time in my life with something special every day leading up to my birthday. I refuse to spend the last weeks of my 30s mourning my so-called youth, especially when the awe and wonder I feel toward life only grows with each passing day. Sure, it would be … [Read more...]

Recent Studies Reveal How Yoga Helps Us Heal From Chronic Pain

Src: Medical News Daily

Living with chronic pain for virtually my entire adult life, I have tried almost everything I can think of to help manage it. My initial attempts to stoically tough it out and just push ahead resulted in months of near sleepless nights, constant pain, exhaustion and misery. Eventually, I began to tackle pain from both the Western medicine approach of pharmaceuticals, shots and surgery to the … [Read more...]

When Nature Pulls You Into the Present Moment

View From Reykjavik Bay

As I lift my face to greet the star-studded night sky, jubilant Jupiter nearly stealing the show, a harsh wind whips across my bare skin. Though passengers aboard this whaling ship the previous two nights have failed to see what we’ve come to witness, my hopes are still high. It is my love’s birthday, and this display is one of the biggest reasons why we’ve chosen to come to Iceland (instead of … [Read more...]

How to Seek Balance in the Busy-ness of Daily Life


In this world of doing, achieving and getting, it’s very easy for us to put far greater focus on our time spent at work than our lives outside of the office. Our quest for progress and perfection often leads us to squelch pleasure for the sake of productivity. While ambition and industriousness is admirable, often leading to great achievements and success, there is also merit in taking time to … [Read more...]