Use these all-natural preventives and remedies to lower your risk for contracting Lyme disease

Tick sizes/Src: CT Department of Public Health

Living in northeastern United States, summertime means warmer weather, less clothing and more time spent outdoors. Unfortunately, all the time spent walking, hiking and biking in the woodsy areas coincides with an increased presence of ticks. As a result, the months of June and July see the largest numbers of confirmed cases of Lyme disease by far, according to the Centers for Disease Control and … [Read more...]

Yale researchers identify new tick-borne disease


Researchers at the Yale Schools of Public Health and Medicine have discovered a new tick-borne disease, with many similarities to Lyme disease. A report published in the Jan.17 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine confirmed that 18 patients in southern New England and neighboring New York were infected by it. This is the first time the yet unnamed disease has been confirmed in humans in … [Read more...]