Intentionally Tap Into the Solar Eclipse’s Power to Open the Door to Infinite Possibility

Live Your Life With Intention

On Monday, August 21, a solar eclipse will fully cross the United States, from coast to coast, for the first time in almost a century. Qigong master Mingtong Gu writes that a total solar eclipse has alchemical–or transformative–energy and symbolizes "the direct earthly experience of cosmic and celestial energy --  pure potential and power -- for good or bad." As whatever we hold in our … [Read more...]

Bidding Adieu to 2016, Warmly Welcoming the New Year


Rather than list a myriad of well-meaning resolutions and share a stream of optimistic goals for the upcoming year, I’ve decided to welcome the new year here in a more unconventional manner. One of the greatest endeavors I embarked upon during 2016 was working toward a true recovery of my creative expression. So perhaps it’s not too surprising that I felt inspired to commemorate my journey … [Read more...]

How We Can Master Our Fears With Mantra and Courageous Heart Mudra

How We Can Master Our Fears With Mantra and Courageous Heart Mudra

There are periods of my life when I have grown paralyzed while facing the veiled path of the future that lies ahead. The plethora of choices available to me overwhelms: Which direction is the correct one to pursue right now? Can I follow it without completely neglecting my other desired paths? What if I make the wrong choice? Other times, the choice is clear, but uncertainty confounds me. What … [Read more...]