Fighting The Flu And Colds Naturally


When I came down with the fierce and lingering cold seemingly plaguing the nation, I decided I wasn’t going to give into the consuming bog of mucus nor the chest-rattling cough. Despite the fact that so many of my friends and their families were also being felled by colds and the flu, I had a couple of holistic weapons up my sleeve—in addition to plenty of the tissues. First up, I wound up making … [Read more...]

This Breakfast of Champions Packs a Healthy Punch


by Renée Canada For the last 10 years, I have woken up to a bowl of oatmeal each morning. Before you start groaning—I know some of you are imagining a food that feels (and tastes) like gluey gruel from the moment it enters it your mouth until the time it settles like a brick in your digestive tract. However, let me reassure you that this is no ordinary bowl of oatmeal. First, I begin by chopping … [Read more...]