How To Fend Off The Flu By Diffusing Essential Oils

Essential Oil Diffuser

After one of the most brutal winters in northeast United States, we’re finally seeing the light of spring at the end of the tunnel. With a February that was the coldest month on record in Connecticut, we pushed through roughly six weeks of snowstorms and bitter freezing temperatures. Not surprisingly, people I knew in the area were felled by flu and colds left and right—including myself. Loath to … [Read more...]

Five Tips To Develop The Ideal Home Yoga Practice For You

Flying Pigeon Pose

For the yogi looking for greater flexibility and independence in his or her workout, having a home yoga practice is immensely beneficial, providing a great opportunity to develop discipline, creativity and commitment to self. When you have your own yoga space in the home, whether it’s a room of your own or a designated area of a room where you can comfortably unfurl your mat, you have the power to … [Read more...]

How Aromatherapy Treats the Common Cold and Other Fall Ailments

The health benefits of essential oils

This is a guest post by Kelli's Gifts for Aroma Home In this first week of November, reality is setting in that autumn is truly here and winter is approaching. Mood and sleep quality may be affected as the hours of daylight grow shorter. For those with joint and muscle concerns, dropping temperatures frequently signals an increase in pain and stiffness. For many, this change in seasons also means … [Read more...]