A Few of My Favorite Things From 2014 for a Healthy Body, Mind & Soul

Zen Society Skincare

The holidays are quickly upon us, and I’m cheerfully listening to Christmas music and wrapping presents. My love and I have three-and-a-half Christmas events we’re attending in the next two days, so I know how much time is a commodity for us all this season. If you are a last-minute shopper, I’m sharing my holiday gift guide, including some of my personal favorites for the body, mind and soul. And … [Read more...]

Salute Winter Solstice With Sun Salutations and Mindful Socks Giveaway

SunSalutationB or surya-namaskara-b

After the breathtaking decay of autumn, we are now left in the dark and bitter chill of winter. Yesterday, people all over the world celebrated the solstice, which marks the official beginning of the winter season in the northern hemisphere. Here on the East Coast, the solstice officially began at 6:03 p.m. on Dec. 21, starting the longest night of the year. Yet from this day forward, we can look … [Read more...]

Being Reborn in Savasana on My Birthday

Restorative Yoga Poses

Winding down my last yoga session on the last night of being age 36, as I surrendered at last into a peaceful savasana, I felt as if I were giving birth to a new stage in my practice and a new chapter in my life. In the past, I have greatly resisted this asana. While the body is meant to soften, I could never fully sink down into the pose. My pelvis rested unevenly on the mat. My forearms gently … [Read more...]