Follow These 10 Steps To Become a Morning Person

Follow These 10 Steps To Become a Morning Person

This is a guest post by Danielle Emig, originally written for Health Perch: In a perfect world, we would all wake up naturally with the sun, refreshed, awake, and ready to tackle the day. However, if you aren’t naturally an early riser, being a morning person is a struggle, no matter what ringtone the alarm is set to. Many of us intend to wake up early to check items off the to-do list, but end … [Read more...]

The Ups With the Downs


by Renée Canada My eyes have been burning for most of the day, so this will be brief. Start with the not so happy news: one sty has turned to three, my eyes are itching and burning, have a very rare cold sore, rash on face and deceptive sore throat still here more than a week later has me admitting I’m stuck in an autoimmune flare. Good news, the rest of my body has been behaving pretty well … [Read more...]

The Mind-Body SHIFT

by Renée Canada We are more than overdue for a change in modern Western medicine. Rather than just focusing on the use of pills to block or slow the symptoms that signal disease, we need to start looking at the root causes of disease. This requires a total revolution in the Western model of medicine. It is time we learn from our neighbors in the East and not just focus on the body, but also the … [Read more...]