When Winter Brings More Snow, Bake These Peanut Butter Cookies

Winter Storm in New England

Despite the hardship and struggles I’ve endured over the years, I suppose I’ve always had a bit of the Pollyana complex—doing my best to find the good even in unpleasant situations. To the eternal optimist, when life hands you lemons, you make some lemonade. So when the second big storm hit New England in a week, the snowed-in optimist makes some cookies. As we have been clearing out the pantry … [Read more...]

Favorite Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes: Whipped Sweet Potato Pudding

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes

Sweet potato pudding is a favorite dish at the Thanksgiving table. Coming from a long line of Southerners, meals with the extended family have always showcased sweet potato pudding packed with brown sugar and topped with fat marshmallows, butter and toasted pecans. Yet my mother has always served a far healthier version that is easily my favorite. Sweet potatoes have a creamy consistency that is … [Read more...]

Having Your Gluten-Free Cake and Enjoying It Too


Who says you can’t have your cake and enjoy it too? For many of us who are gluten-free, it can certainly be a challenge to find desserts that not only meet our dietary requirements, but please our taste buds as well. As someone who used to look forward to dessert as the highlight of a meal, I am especially selective about my GF sweet treats. When I came across this recipe for a chocolate cake … [Read more...]