The Powerful Possibilities of Positive Affirmations

I Believe in the Good Things Coming For 2016

Our minds have the power to either make us or break us, depending on whether we choose to focus on the positive or the negative. Our brain interprets the thoughts we allow to tumble around repeatedly in our minds as reality, whether they are actually true or not. No matter how often the people we care about compliment and encourage us (or criticize and discourage us), our niggling inner voice … [Read more...]

How to Seek Balance in the Busy-ness of Daily Life


In this world of doing, achieving and getting, it’s very easy for us to put far greater focus on our time spent at work than our lives outside of the office. Our quest for progress and perfection often leads us to squelch pleasure for the sake of productivity. While ambition and industriousness is admirable, often leading to great achievements and success, there is also merit in taking time to … [Read more...]