Five Funky Food Ingredients to Avoid and Five Whole Foods to Embrace


Ever go the grocery store and get completely overwhelmed by all of the food labels? Labels can claim all kinds of things about a food or food product—such as, it’s gluten-free, sugar-free, low fat or organic—yet a quick glance at the nutrition info reveals ingredients you’ve never even heard of before. How can smart consumers stay on top of the buzzwords for food purchases that are nutritious, … [Read more...]

What You Don't Know About Food Can Sometimes Hurt Ya


by Renée Canada Yesterday I got that annoying, telltale reaction that tells me something’s off in my body: a rough rash and puffy sensation around my lips. I remember commenting on it but just chalking it up to my body’s reaction to decreasing my dose of prednisone again. Over the last several weeks as I’ve been weaning myself off the medication, I’ve been having infections and odd reactions in … [Read more...]