This is a guest post by Danielle Emig, originally written for Health Perch: In a perfect world, we would all wake up naturally with the sun, refreshed, awake, and ready to tackle the day. However, if you aren’t naturally an early riser, being a morning person is a struggle, no matter what ringtone the alarm is set to. Many of us intend to wake up early to check items off the to-do list, but end … [Read more...]
UConn Prof. Helps Link Nighttime Light, Disordered Sleep & Cancer Risks
A plethora of studies have been published in recent months linking inadequate sleep to obesity, diabetes and stroke. Now, a recent review by the American Medical Association found research that suggests disruptions of the circadian rhythm due to nighttime light could also play a role in the risk of breast cancer, as well as of ovarian, prostate and colorectal cancers. The work of University of … [Read more...]