Riding the Body’s Ebbs and Flows: The Bumpy Road To Recovery After A D&C

Riding the Body's Ebbs and Flows- The Bumpy Road To Recovery After A D&C

A month ago today, I went under anesthesia for what is misleadingly classified as a minor surgery to try to get to the bottom of abnormal bleeding from my lady parts. In between two trips and pre-op appointments with both my gynecological surgeon and my primary care doctor, I spent most of October preparing for a surgery that I suspected would affect me more than the average bear, as most … [Read more...]

Sustain Condoms Can Help Climate Change Through Curbing Population Growth

Global Lack of Access to Contraception

Last month, we addressed the rising threat of water scarcity and safety to the health of the planet due to climate change, pollution and a growing global population. A 2014 study by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) revealed that increased population is one of the two most important drivers of global climate change. For Earth Day, we spoke with Jeffrey Hollender, co-founder of … [Read more...]

Relishing a Mother-Daughter Girls Night Out at Foxwoods

Mother-Daughter Girls' Night Out

The highlight of my weekend was to have my mother accompany me to see Menopause, The Musical at the Fox Theater on Saturday afternoon at Foxwoods Resort Casino. It was a great time to connect with my mom and better understand her experience with menopause. Having many of the most common symptoms of menopause, she could relate extremely well to the dialogue and songs. “They had creative lyrics … [Read more...]

Sisterhood Helps Women Get Through The Hormones, Hot Flashes, Stress and Insomnia of Menopause

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Recently, I posed the following question to my friends and family: So what’s menopause really like? What I found was that the breadth of experiences during “The Change” is as diverse as my friends’ personalities. “Sailing through it,” one friend said. “It's effing hot,” another added. Ah, yes, hot flashes! That and weight gain seem to be the most common menopausal complaints of women in my … [Read more...]

Angelina Jolie's pre-emptive mastectomy puts cancer prevention in spotlight

Src: creatingahealthylifestyle.com

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a preventive double mastectomy continues to be the topic for public debate three weeks after she announced in a New York Times editorial that she had the surgery. Jolie is hardly the first woman to make this very difficult choice, and it’s one that women who already have breast cancer face as well. A recent study presented at the American Society … [Read more...]

Connecticut One of 26 States Set to Tackle Toxic Chemicals in 2013


According to Safer States, Connecticut is one of 26 states across the country to consider policies addressing concerns over toxic chemicals in 2013. These states will be tackling concerns such as bans on toxic flame retardants and identifying harmful chemicals in consumer products. According to a Jan. 24 statement, an analysis done by Safer States, a national coalition of state-based … [Read more...]