Dense breasts a factor for more young women with advanced breast cancers


A recent study published this Tuesday, Jan. 26, in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that number of women ages 25 to 39 developing metastatic breast cancer, the most advanced stage of cancer when it spreads to vital organs and threatens life, has tripled between 1976 and 2009. While the number of cases were still relatively small, these women had cancer that spread before they … [Read more...]

Yale Identifies Where Fat Comes From, With Big Ramifications for Future


Focusing on nutrition and lifestyle, we know that the causes of the rise in obesity include the overconsumption of processed foods and sugar, too few nutrient-dense foods and too-large portion sizes, as well as stress, a sedentary lifestyle, sleep disturbances, not getting enough exercise, metabolic factors, and even environmental toxins. Now, a new study by researchers from Yale University School … [Read more...]

Lessons of Love, Loss and Finding Your Way Back To Self


I believe that every significant life experience has something to teach us—about life, ourselves, our relationships with others. For what is life if not for building meaningful connections with others, for learning about the world in which we live and for truly discovering our own true nature, the boundless potential we possess and the sacred path we are meant to follow? I have learned so much … [Read more...]

Improve the Health of Your Heart with Yoga


A new study suggests more evidence that yoga is good for your heart. Researchers from the University of Kansas Medical Center, aware of the significant benefit of yoga on cardiovascular health, studied the affect of the practice on atrial fibrillation (AF). They found that yoga reduced symptomatic AF episodes. According to the study report, AF is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. An arrythmia … [Read more...]

Connecticut One of 26 States Set to Tackle Toxic Chemicals in 2013


According to Safer States, Connecticut is one of 26 states across the country to consider policies addressing concerns over toxic chemicals in 2013. These states will be tackling concerns such as bans on toxic flame retardants and identifying harmful chemicals in consumer products. According to a Jan. 24 statement, an analysis done by Safer States, a national coalition of state-based … [Read more...]

Yale researchers identify new tick-borne disease


Researchers at the Yale Schools of Public Health and Medicine have discovered a new tick-borne disease, with many similarities to Lyme disease. A report published in the Jan.17 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine confirmed that 18 patients in southern New England and neighboring New York were infected by it. This is the first time the yet unnamed disease has been confirmed in humans in … [Read more...]

Fighting The Flu And Colds Naturally


When I came down with the fierce and lingering cold seemingly plaguing the nation, I decided I wasn’t going to give into the consuming bog of mucus nor the chest-rattling cough. Despite the fact that so many of my friends and their families were also being felled by colds and the flu, I had a couple of holistic weapons up my sleeve—in addition to plenty of the tissues. First up, I wound up making … [Read more...]

Manifest Meaningful Change In Your Life in 2013


As we welcome in the New Year, what more tempting a time it is to consider turning over a new leaf in life. We look back on the experiences of the past year, some amazing and beautiful, others we’d much rather forget. We look back on the chances we didn’t take or the promises we made to ourselves that we broke, and we swear to ourselves that this year will be different. The year ahead of us … [Read more...]

Upon Turning 35, a Final Look Back

When I first began my pity party path to recognizing and acknowledging the blessings of turning 35, I wasn’t sure how the experience would play out. I couldn’t predict what it would feel like having to come up with 35 truly positive things about my life as it is now, without only citing banal, yet genuine daily items of gratitude that might put you to sleep. To be honest, some days were harder … [Read more...]

My One Week Countdown to 35: To Love and Creativity


To Love and Creativity! Day 5 is Dedicated to My Love 1. I am grateful to My Love for showing me real, unconditional love from a romantic partner. Loving me as exactly, completely me. Loving with kindness, compassion and patience. Love without judgment. Love without co-dependency. Love without jealousy. 2. I am grateful to My Love for being so open, honest and true. For baring everything and … [Read more...]