Plans Canned Due to the Greedy, Movement Monster Dystonia

Beating the movement disorder Dystonia

It turns out that today’s post is going to be a more personal one. Yesterday, the uncontrollable muscle movements returned after a pretty significant absence. Yes, it certainly is a pain in the neck (and face and legs). Yet I haven’t been as disheartened as frustrated.  So many plans have been canned due to the greedy movement monster: Dystonia. Last night I couldn’t go to the book club I was … [Read more...]

New study questions Gingko biloba’s safety, Chinese herbalist touts its benefits

Gingko Src:

On Thursday, The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) advised consumers to avoid Ginkgo biloba, based on a new government study that showed evidence of the extract causing liver cancer in mice and thyroid cancer in rats. On its Chemical Cuisine guide to food additives, CSPI downgraded ginkgo from “safe” to “avoid.” While extracts from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree are legally … [Read more...]

Salt and processed foods linked with autoimmune disease and early mortality


Last week, researchers from three different studies reported in the journal Nature identified an association between dietary salt and the development of autoimmune disease. This precedes a study published yesterday that links the consumption of processed foods with an increased risk of early death due to cardiovascular disease and cancer. According to the Voice of America, researchers were … [Read more...]

Lessons of Love, Loss and Finding Your Way Back To Self


I believe that every significant life experience has something to teach us—about life, ourselves, our relationships with others. For what is life if not for building meaningful connections with others, for learning about the world in which we live and for truly discovering our own true nature, the boundless potential we possess and the sacred path we are meant to follow? I have learned so much … [Read more...]

Yale researchers identify new tick-borne disease


Researchers at the Yale Schools of Public Health and Medicine have discovered a new tick-borne disease, with many similarities to Lyme disease. A report published in the Jan.17 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine confirmed that 18 patients in southern New England and neighboring New York were infected by it. This is the first time the yet unnamed disease has been confirmed in humans in … [Read more...]

Fighting The Flu And Colds Naturally


When I came down with the fierce and lingering cold seemingly plaguing the nation, I decided I wasn’t going to give into the consuming bog of mucus nor the chest-rattling cough. Despite the fact that so many of my friends and their families were also being felled by colds and the flu, I had a couple of holistic weapons up my sleeve—in addition to plenty of the tissues. First up, I wound up making … [Read more...]

CT's Own Zen Society Skincare Offers Natural Beauty, Natural Health


As someone with very sensitive skin and almost immediate negative physical reactions to certain scents and chemicals, finding the best skincare products that don’t give me a rash or a headache can be a nightmarish process of trial and error. So when I find that extremely rare product that is not only fragrant-free and chemical-free, but also pleasantly and effectively cleanses and moisturizes my … [Read more...]

Pediatricians Back Circumcision, But Not Without Controversy


On Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) publicly amended its position on circumcision for the first time in more than a decade, moving to support the procedure in light of recent research supporting its health benefits. In a Circumcision Policy Statement published in Pediatrics, the organization listed the transmission of certain sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), … [Read more...]

UConn Prof. Helps Link Nighttime Light, Disordered Sleep & Cancer Risks


A plethora of studies have been published in recent months linking inadequate sleep to obesity, diabetes and stroke. Now, a recent review by the American Medical Association found research that suggests disruptions of the circadian rhythm due to nighttime light could also play a role in the risk of breast cancer, as well as of ovarian, prostate and colorectal cancers. The work of University of … [Read more...]

Escalate Your Comeback from Cancer with Good Nutrition


Jillian McKee is our guest blogger today. She is a Complementary Medicine Advocate at the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance. Her time is spent mostly on outreach efforts and spreading information on complementary and alternative medicine use in cancer treatment. Following a healthy diet can boost your immune system, improve your healing time, lower your cholesterol and boost your mesothelioma survival … [Read more...]