Living With Lupus: Allergic to the Sun

By Renée Canada/The Mind-Body Shift

As late spring slides into mid- to late summer weather this week here in Connecticut, I am beginning to be blinded by that bright light of revelation: The sun is still not your friend. With temperatures in the high 80s and the bright, sunny days an appealing alternative to the dreary, dark and wet days of last week, I can’t help but want to spend time outside. It’s a perfect time to do yoga in … [Read more...]

Even mild dehydration may affect mood and energy, cause headaches


Ever find yourself cranky and restless in the middle of the day for seemingly no reason? Then, after a stop to the water cooler in the office or to the tap in your kitchen, you seem to find your second wind, feel in better spirits and are more focused. Well, there’s scientific reasoning behind that, according to a study published in January's issue of the Journal of Nutrition. Researchers at the … [Read more...]