Dense breasts a factor for more young women with advanced breast cancers


A recent study published this Tuesday, Jan. 26, in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that number of women ages 25 to 39 developing metastatic breast cancer, the most advanced stage of cancer when it spreads to vital organs and threatens life, has tripled between 1976 and 2009. While the number of cases were still relatively small, these women had cancer that spread before they … [Read more...]

Connecticut Leads Nation in Banning BPA in Receipts

by Renée Canada On June 9, Connecticut become the first state in the nation to ban the chemical bisphenol A, otherwise known as BPA, in “thermal receipt paper” that customers receive at retailers, banks and gas stations. The chemical is used as a coating on receipt paper so that it prints in color when heated. BPA is not bound to the paper, as it is to, say, baby bottles, making it easily … [Read more...]